Nov 7, 2022
Welcome to Season 2, Episode 52! In today’s In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) Encore Episode, we dig back to Season 1, Episode 21 where we began our series of ‘Merica’s Forgotten Massacres (MFM) where we discuss the history of anti-Asian massacres and lynchings in the United States. In this first installment we talked about the Chinese Massacre of 1871 in Los Angeles as well as the San Francisco Riot of 1877. We’ve covered a lot more incidents than these first two, but this is where it all began. We also introduced a new segment called “Origins” where we focus on the strange, slightly racist origins of some common idioms or slang. This episode we confronted the phrase “Long time, no see.” Want to learn more? For previous episodes and information, please visit our site at or social media links at If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, email us at